Do People Get Dental Implants on Their Front Teeth?

Mile High Smiles in Lakewood, CO

What You need to Know...

There are a variety of reasons you may lose a front tooth. Whether you lose one or several because you were in an accident, improperly cared for your teeth, or experienced some sort of sport injury or trauma, you should know that dental implants are an option for you.

Dental implants can restore your lost teeth and give you the beautiful, healthy smile you deserve. Here at Mile High Smiles, Dr. Brian Levitin is pleased to offer Lakewood, Colorado dental implants to patients who have lost their front teeth.

This innovative dental technology can be used to replace single or multiple missing teeth. Dental implants mimic the entire tooth structure and offer a variety of benefits. Dr. Levitin has performed countless dental implants and will be happy to share the following advantages with you:

Dental Implants Act Like Natural Teeth

If you opt for dental implants, you won’t be able to tell the difference between them and your natural teeth. You’ll be able to eat, drink, brush, and floss as you normally would.

Dental Implants Last Forever

Bridges typically last for around 10 years. Dental implants, however, can last forever. They are comprised of titanium and integrate seamlessly into your jawbone. Since they are biocompatible, your body easily accepts them.

Dental Implants Reduce Gum Disease Risk

If you don’t get dental implants and live life with a missing tooth gap, food and bacteria can trap and lead to gum disease.

How to Care for Dental Implants

Caring for your dental implants is essential. If you fail to do so, bacteria will gather near your gum line and cause problems. In most cases, the first sign of improper implant care is bleeding. This is known as mucositis and can result in bone loss and require your implant to be removed if it’s not treated early. To prevent this issue in the first place, follow these tips to keep your dental implants in great shape.

Brush Your Dental Implants

Brush your dental implants just like you would brush your regular teeth. We suggest a soft bristled or electric toothbrush. Brush gently and take your time as abrasive, fast brushing can damage your implants. The rule of thumb is to brush for at least two minutes.

Use a Low-Abrasive Toothpaste

Be selective with your toothpaste. Visit a local grocery or convenience store and find a paste that’s gentle and won’t take a toll on your implants. Stay away from toothpastes with mint or cinnamon scents as these are usually too harsh.

Continue to Floss

Don’t make the mistake of ignoring flossing when you have dental implants. If you’re having trouble with regular dental floss, we can show you a special technique that will make it easier to floss around implanted teeth. Floss picks may also be a good idea.

Use a Mouthwash

Get into the habit of using a mouthwash to make sure that all the food particles and bacteria are washed from your implants. Using mouthwash is also a good way to keep your mouth clean and fresh in between meals.

Stay Away From Hard or Sticky Foods

Hard and sticky food can damage your implants and the surrounding teeth. This is because they make them weaker. That’s why it’s smart to stay away from ice, hard candies, caramel, dry fruit, and similar foods.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking is particularly harmful if you have dental implants. It can interfere with the healing process in the initial six months and wreak havoc on the implant once it’s fully integrating. If you smoke, do your best to quit.

Avoid Bad Habits

There are certain habits that can damage your dental implants. If you tend to bite your nails, chew on ice or pens, use your teeth to open packages, or choose hard foods. Other bad habits include teeth grinding and clenching. If you grind or clench your teeth, a night guard may help!

Drink Plenty of Water

There are countless benefits to drinking water. Not only is it good for your overall health, it’s vital for your oral health, especially if you have implants. It promotes saliva production and removes excess food and bacteria from your implants. Try to drink water after you eat to clean your mouth if you don’t have time to brush. Also, if you experience dry mouth, drinking more water can prevent you feeling parched.

Visit the Dentist Regularly

It’s important to stick to routine dental exams and cleanings. By seeing a dentist on a regular basis, you can uncover problems with your implants early on before they become more serious. We recommend cleanings every six months or so.

Contact Mile High Smiles

If you’re interested in learning more about Lakewood, Colorado dental implants, we encourage you to call Mile High Smiles at 303-232-1830 to schedule an appointment.

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