Should I Get Dentures in My 20s or 30s?

Mile High Smiles in Lakewood, CO

What You need to Know...

Tooth loss may arise at just about any age. Although it’s most common in older people, it can also happen to those in their 20s and 30s. If you’re in your 20s or 30s and facing tooth loss, you may be wondering if dentures are right for you. Rather than being embarrassed or concerned with what your friends and family will think, your well being should always come first. So, should get get dentures if you are under the age of 40?

While the answer to this question depends on your particular situation and preferences, know that many people in your age range wear dentures. If you’re worried that others may notice and comment on your dentures, you may benefit from implant-support dentures. Traditional dentures don’t offer as much security and are prone to slipping whereas implant-support dentures offer much greater security.

It may take you a few weeks or months to get used to wearing dentures. However, once you do, you’ll have no problem eating and speaking. You’ll need to treat your dentures as regular teeth and brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush. In addition, you’ll be required to leave them in a cleaning solution overnight.

Rest assured that wearing dentures is completely normal at any age. In fact, research shows that by 2020, 7.9 million people will have dentures. There’s no reason to be ashamed or feel embarrassed that you’re doing something about your tooth loss.

If dentures are not right for you or you prefer another solution, dental implants may be recommended. They are artificial tooth roots that provide a permanent base for fixed, replacement teeth. We have many cases in which we have changed people’s smiles and lives with a total mouth restoration. You may find that dental implants, partial implants, onlays or dental crowns make your life much different. Allow our expert Denver area dentists to consult with you on the best way to improve your smile in your 20s and 30s.

Some people under 40 have reported weight loss after getting dentures. This is likely due to the fact that their diet has changed and they are not eating the same foods they ate prior to dentures. This might be a benefit you may not have thought about.

Contact Mile High Smiles

If you have more questions about wearing dentures in your 20s or 30s, we encourage you to contact our Lakewood, Colorado office today at (303) 232-1830.

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